About Junior Baseball

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You can reach us the following ways:
Call us at 888-IT'S-A-HIT (888-487-2448)
Email us at cs@juniorbaseball.com
Fax us at 480-275-3055
Junior Baseball is published by JSAN Publishing LLC of Wilton, Conn. We provide youth players and the parents that engage in the youth game entertaining and informative products to help them fall in love with America’s pastime. Our passion goes beyond a love of the game. It’s a love of watching kids celebrate their success in learning to play baseball. It’s a love of seeing parents filled with pride and joy of seeing their child get their first hit. It’s a love of seeing dad and son create the bond that they’ll have the rest of their lives.
To this end, we offer 2 products:
1. Junior Baseball Magazine
Started in 1996, Junior Baseball is America’s oldest publication for the youth game. It is published 6 times a year and has content designed to be read and shared by players, parents and coaches of the game. It is distributed nationwide and in 13 foreign countries. It is used by school libraries across the USA and the National Baseball Hall of Fame in educational programs. Junior Baseball is now offered as a digital publication -- a tablet, browser and smart phone-friendly product. Junior Baseball averages a total readership of more than 100,000 with every issue.
Incorporated into every issue of Junior Baseball is Youth Baseball Star. Started in 2013, this is a special section for travel ball and tournament-focused players and coaches. Its content is geared for more advanced players.
For Subscription information, click here.
For Advertising information, click here.
2. Around the Horn Newsletter
Youth Baseball Daily also publishes a free e-newsletter, Around The Horn, which is sent periodically as an email. In it, we offer interesting stories taking place in the game, updates to current tournament play and league happenings. We also run frequent contests to win valuable baseball gear, which are announced in this email.
To register for the free email, Around The Horn, click here.
For other Frequently Asked Questions about our business, please refer to our FAQs here.